The Log is where you can see all your processed events from the last three months.
To access it, it's really simple! Check out the step-by-step:
- In your Pluga dashboard, click on My Automations "New" or "Legacy", depending on where your automations are:
- Next, find the automation you want to analyze the Log for and click the corresponding button:
- Ta-da! You will then see your processed events:
- If you want to view the Log for a specific event, just click on "Show details":
- You can also filter events by status using this field:
- When you click on an event, you will see on the left side a column that shows all the stages of your automation and the order in which the actions will be executed. To check specific information about a stage, just navigate through this column:
- Here, in the "Incoming data" tab, you will find the information that came from the source app to us, without any processing:
- In the "Outgoing data" tab, you will find the information that we processed and sent to the destination app: