Attention: If 'Conta Azul' the app you wish to reconnect, we recommend that you perform the following procedure in an incognito window/tab of your browser.
Let's go step by step on how to reconnect:
First, you will click on your panel -- Connected Accounts:
- Now, you must locate the account you wish to reconnect, and for this, you can use the account filter located on the top right side:
The “Linked accounts” option will display all connections linked to an active automation, but this does not confirm that the connection is correctly established.
For instance, if the account connection has expired, it will still appear in "Linked accounts" as “In use” because it is linked to an active automation.
However, the connection has expired and it will be necessary to reconnect this account.
The “Connected accounts Out of use” option should display connections linked to deactivated automations.
The “All Connected Accounts” option should display all connections. If you're not sure whether the account you're looking for is linked to an active automation or not, this will be the easiest way for you to find that account! -
Once you have found the account you wish to reconnect, click on “Reconnect”:
An information screen will pop up, indicating that all automations linked to this account will be impacted. Then, you can click on “Reconnect” again:
- After that, just follow the authentication step by step with care, finalize the reconnection, and voila! Your account has been successfully reconnected.
Tip: if you have more than one account from the same tool, you can rename it to help identify the different accounts. Just click on the pencil icon right below the tool's name.
On this "Connected accounts" page, you also find:
By clicking on “Automations,” you can view all the automations linked to that account, without having to leave this page:
You can also disconnect an account whenever you want! Just click on “Disconnect”, and this connection will be forgotten from your History:
A new screen will be pop up, indicating that automations linked to this account need to be deleted:
After deleting the automations, just confirm the disconnection, and your account will be disconnected:
Still have questions?
If you still have doubts, just request assistance and our support team will contact you within a few hours. ;)