Frequently asked questions

  • What's an automation?

    An automation is the connection between two web apps that executes a specific task for you. For instance: For every payment approved at Stripe, a notification is sent to a specific channel on your Slack. Using Pluga, this process is automated, avoiding manual labor and possible human mistakes.

  • What's the difference between regular and premium automations?

    An automation is flagged as premium when it demands greater care from our team. They're more complex and are only available with Pluga's paid plans. The regular ones are available even in our Free plan. To find out more, click here

  • Is the app __ in Pluga's hub?

    To check the apps ir our hub, just check our apps page. Check all apps

  • What's an event?

    The act of transferring data from App A to App B automatically, meaning the number of times a given automated workflow is performed. Take for instance the automation For each opportunity reported as a sale on RD Station CRM, create a sale in Conta Azul. If 10 opportunities are reported as a sale in RD Station CRM, 10 sales will be created in Conta Azul, and, with this, 10 events will be counted.

  • What do "trigger" and "action" mean?

    The trigger is what activates your automation, while the action is what happens when the automation is triggered. For example, in the automation For each opportunity reported as a sale on RD Station CRM, create a sale in Conta Azul, the trigger is each opportunity reported as a sale on RD Station CRM, while the action is create a sale in Conta Azul.

  • Do you capture retroactive data?

    Pluga does not capture retroactive data. The automation is only triggered from the moment it is created onwards.

  • I want to integrate App A to App B. How much will it cost?

    Our plans are billed according to your automation and event usage. It's also worth mentioning that Premium automations require a paid subscription. To find out more, click here

  • Will I be charged during the Trial period?

    Your Trial is a free 7-day period, in which you can try and automation and feature from our paid plans. After this period, you can choose between using our Free plan or subscribe to have access to all our features. To find out more, click here

  • How do I cancel my subscription?

    To cancel your subscription, all you have to do is go to your dashboard, click em My account, and then click on Subscription and usage. You'll see the Cancel subscription button next to your subscription price. To find out more, click here

  • Do you provide support over the phone?

    Our support is mainly via e-mail and live chat, since we believe we can be more effective this way, and it also makes it easier to register information.